Leonard and Sheldon are brilliant physicists, the kind of "beautiful minds" that understand how the universe works. But none of that genius helps them interact with people, especially women.
Julie Fleischer
Johnny Galecki, Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco
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The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 1 - The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation
The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 1 - The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation
On the third season premiere, Sheldon flees back to Texas in disgrace when he learns that the guys tampered with his arctic expedition data.

The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 8 - The Adhesive Duck Deficiency
The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 8 - The Adhesive Duck Deficiency
Sheldon must come to Penny's rescue.

The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 9 - The Vengeance Formulation
The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 9 - The Vengeance Formulation
The guys help Sheldon exact revenge on Kripke.

The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 10 - The Gorilla Experiment
The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 10 - The Gorilla Experiment
Sheldon teaches Penny physics.

The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 11 - The Maternal Congruence
The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 11 - The Maternal Congruence
A visit from Leonard's mother delights Sheldon and horrifies Leonard.

The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 14 - The Einstein Approximation
The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 14 - The Einstein Approximation
Sheldon has a case of "Physicist's Block."

The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 16 - The Excelsior Acquisition
The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 16 - The Excelsior Acquisition
Sheldon misses a chance to meet comics legend STAN LEE.

The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 17 - The Precious Fragmentation
The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 17 - The Precious Fragmentation
The guys must choose between a movie prop & their friendship.

The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 18 - The Pants Alternative
The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 18 - The Pants Alternative
Sheldon gets a bad case of stage fright.

The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 22 - The Staircase Implementation
The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 22 - The Staircase Implementation
Leonard remembers the day he moved in with Sheldon.

The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 23 - The Lunar Excitation
The Big Bang Theory S3
EP 23 - The Lunar Excitation
Howard and Raj find Sheldon's perfect match online.

EP 1 - The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation
2007 | 0h22

EP 8 - The Adhesive Duck Deficiency
2007 | 0h21

EP 9 - The Vengeance Formulation
2007 | 0h20

EP 10 - The Gorilla Experiment
2007 | 0h21

EP 11 - The Maternal Congruence
2007 | 0h20

EP 14 - The Einstein Approximation
2007 | 0h19

EP 16 - The Excelsior Acquisition
2007 | 0h21

EP 17 - The Precious Fragmentation
2007 | 0h21

EP 18 - The Pants Alternative
2007 | 0h22

EP 22 - The Staircase Implementation
2007 | 0h20

EP 23 - The Lunar Excitation
2007 | 0h20